
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2021

Narrative Text

  The Ant and the Dove One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water. She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground. Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way. Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net. The morality:  One good turn deserves another.


  Ir. Soekarno (lahir di Blitar, Jawa Timur, 6 Juni 1901 - meninggal di Jakarta, 21 Juni 1970 pada umur 69 tahun) adalah presiden pertama Indonesia yang menjabat selama dua periode dari tahun 1945 sampai 1966. Ia berperan penting bagi kemerdekaan Indonesia. dari kolonialisme Belanda. Dia adalah seorang penggali Pancasila. Ia memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia (bersama dengan Mohammad Hatta) yang terjadi pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945. Soekarno menandatangani Surat Perintah 11 Maret 1966 Supersemar yang kontroversial, di mana - menurut versi Mabes Angkatan Darat yang dirilis - Letjen Soeharto ditugaskan untuk mengamankan dan menjaga keamanan negara dan institusi kepresidenan. Basis Supersemar Letnan Jenderal Soeharto untuk membubarkan Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) dan menggantikan anggota yang duduk di parlemen. Setelah jawaban membantah pertanggungjawaban Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Sementara (MPR) pada sidang umum keempat tahun 1967, Presiden Soekarno dicopot dari jabatannya seb