Recount Text


recount berarti menceritakan kembali. Maka dari itu, recount text berarti jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang berisi kisah atau pengalaman di masa lampau. Gunanya untuk menghibur serta memberi informasi pada pembaca.

 Ciri-ciri Recount Text

Menggunakan past tense

Terdapat adverbial phrase (keterangan waktu dan tempat)

Menggunakan conjunction (kata hubung: first, then, next)

Bentuk Recount Text

Factual: yang diceritakan dalam teks merupakan cerita sesuai fakta. Contohnya lapoJran kepolisian atau kejadian nyata sejarah.

Personal: kamu sebagai penulis pasti punya pengalaman melakukan sesuatu atau apapun itu dong? Nah, tulisanmu tentang pengalaman itu termasuk ke bentuk teks personal.

Imaginative: sama seperti yang udah dibahas tadi, bentuk imaginative recount hampir mirip nih sama narrative text. Bedanya, bentuk ini berkisah tentang pengalaman imajinatifmu. Misalnya, mimpi.

Struktur Penyusunan Recount Text

Orientation: sebagai pembuka, bagian orientation berisi informasi dasar yang menjawab pertanyaan who, where, when.

Events: pada bagian isi atau events ini, saatnya kamu menjawab pertanyaan how atau why. Ceritakan kisahmu dan jangan lupa pakai adverbial phrase ya.

Re-orientation: di bagian penutup, tulislah kesimpulan atau pendapatmu soal ceritamu secara keseluruhan sekaligus singkat

Contoh Recount Text

        Bandung Trip

Last holiday, exactly two months ago, I went to Bandung with my best friend, Anna. We decided to have a trip there for three days long. Luckily, I and Anna had the same interest in places that we would like to visit. That made the trip easier and more fun!

We didn’t have any plans on the first day because we arrived at 5 p.m. by bus. That moment, we were tired and decided to have some rest in our hotel. Woke up in the middle of the night, we realized we had missed dinner. But, Anna suggested ordering food online and watching horror series together instead.

The next day, we rented a motorbike. After that, we visited a beautiful place named Punclut. It was a little far from our hotel. But trust me, we were astonished the first second we got there! The view was amazing and we couldn’t handle taking many pictures. As time went by, it was getting colder so we had to warm ourselves by drinking chamomile tea.

We had dinner at a seafood restaurant. Anna ate a bowl of fish soup while I enjoyed my grilled salmon and green mussels. The taste was fantastic yet we knew that we were satisfyingly full. On our way back to the hotel, we bought some traditional snacks from Bandung to accompany us while binge-watching good movies.

Our last day came that fast. We packed our things in the very morning and took the last trip to Farm House. After taking pictures, we moved to another place where we bought more traditional snacks and souvenirs for our family members back home. At approximately 5 p.m., we returned the motorbike and went home by bus.

Since we arrived at 12 p.m., Anna decided to sleepover at my house. We still talked about our fun times in Bandung and shared pictures. We really wanted to go there next time. Bandung was amazing after all!


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